The lady needs feedback….

OK guys, I know I risk boooooorrrrrrring you with this, but after my 1 on 1 session with my marketing guru yesterday – I have done a rewrite of my new mailing.  To me it sounds painfully marketing.  But ummmm, maybe that’s what I’m going for?????  Like, to sell, or something?  Am I on the right track here?   And who the hay would read all this?  S’posed to bullet point it up.  I could only come up with 1 bullet point.  Maybe I’m not a bullet pointer.  Can you even do just 1 bullet point?  Help!  Feedback from the faithful, PLEASE!

Title : Got a great Dad? Husband’s an awesome father? (credit M. already)

Mail : Free Father’s Day download from Une Année d’Amitié, your source for postcard packs and greeting cards for friends of all ages.+

IMAGE HERE : My dad is  a Rockstar

FYI, it’s Father’s Day in June in Austria, Belgium, Canada, El Salvador, France, Germany, Haiti, Jordan, Lebanon, Nicaragua, Poland, Syria, the U.K., the U.S.A. and Uganda.  Apply to you? Not all on the same day, but this is a heads-up to get you thinking.  Use my new e-greeting to paste in your next email to Dad, or share it with him on your Facebook page, put it on your desktop or incorporate it into a home-made card.  Just click on the image and grab or download.  If you like it, you’re more than welcome to sign up for my blog , like my Facebook page or visit my website ++ where all sorts of regular cards and postcards are for sale!  Thanks!

It’s free so go ahead, click on the image, download it and use it as often as you like.+++

Peace and Love,

Diane at Une Année d’Amitié

PS I’m really excited to announce this brand new service to my mailing list. Once or twice a month I’ll be sending you a brand new e-greeting like this Father’s Day download that you can use in your e-communications. I know Father’s Day cards aren’t appropriate for everybody – I’ll be uploading for other occasions, too.

This service is completely free – you don’t have to do anything, you’ll just receive it from me – but if you don’t want to receive it, just hit the cease and desist button and I’ll stop sending immediately.  I hope you’ll stay with me!  I promise not to spam or pass on your email address!  So what am I going to do?

*  I’ll send you occasional emails with free e-greetings and special discount codes for my new regular post products from Une Année d’Amitié.  That’s it – no peskiness involved.++++


+ s’posed to get this in early – what UAA does.  How write this better?  Tongue-tied in Trieste!

++ s’posed to get them to go to your other sites, too.

+++ am I repeating myself???? Skip this sentence?

++++ I just added in that last sentence.  is that a word?

And (the lazy in me speaks) if half my mailing listers are French, do I have to do it in French.  Or send 2?  1 per language?  Holy cow, what patience is needed…..


ma   rketing novice